Directory Plus v.3.40

Lightweight and fast business directory script written in raw PHP (no frameworks, Laravel, etc) resulting in a smaller codebase size, capable of handling several thousands listings on a cheap Cpanel and/or similar hosting configuration. Geolocation, advanced custom fields, custom fields groups and maps support.
Classified Ads Plus v.4.16

Lightweight and fast classified ads script written in raw PHP (no frameworks, Laravel, etc). Support for custom fields, custom fields groups, geolocation support, Paypal and Stripe integration.
Core Features
Get to know more about my scripts
- Business Directory Software
- Classified Ads Software
- Written in PHP/MySQL
- Bootstrap based template
- Fast and future proof procedural code
- Constant multiple updates a year
- Support provided by the script author
- Custom fields filters
- Paypal, Stripe and Google Maps
Read more detailed instructions and documentation on using X-PHP Web Apps.